Sustainability Engagement
Lydmar Hotel works with subcontractors and suppliers that has documented environmental policies and sourcing which affects the ecological footprint in the smallest way possible. Lydmar is a proud partner of Small Luxury Hotels. The cooperator strive for all partnership hotels to be as sustainable as possible and to be a part of the Considerate Collection. Small Luxury Hotels organizes mystery shoppers that makes sure that all partnership hotels follow and adjust to the latest policy.
We sort waste in regulated and specified bins according to the city’s requirements. Our subcontractor Liselott Lööf, who works under the mandate of the city of Stockholm, is ISO 9001 certified and one of Stockholm’s largest suppliers of bio-waste. The corporation offers enviromental effective solutions within waste management.
Återvinningsbolaget handles mixed & bulky waste, electronics, corrugated cardboard, metal, glass and combustible waste. They strive torwards producing energy efficient recycling and a fossil free Sweden. All vehicles and transports run on fossil-free fuel. The subcontractor offers the market’s most energy efficient collection by using specially built trucks with compression cabinets.
Concerning water usage and food waste, Lydmar Hotel cooporates with Stockholm Vatten and Avfall. This partner are working towards creating long-term investments for a sustainable city. The contractor are looking to reach a goal of becoming completely resource positive by 2030.
Sortera AB are procured by the city of Stockholm to handle the maintenance of the grease trap. The subcontractor is ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified. Sortera was namned one of Sweden´s 20 most sustainble business to business company´s according to Sustainable Brand Index.
Lydmar Hotel cooperates with main supplier Spendrups concerning a recycling system for the PET bottles. When it comes to plastic bottles, Sweden is the country that has the most sustainable solution around plastic bottles. The CO2 footprint for plastic bottles is even lower than for the returnable glass today. Switching to disposable glasses would mean a fivefold increase in the CO2 footprint.

Certified 100% renewable energy by Enea & VENI Energy Group. We use district cooling to cool the hotel and our hotel rooms, reducing electricity consumption compared to conventional air conditioning. Our contractor provides solutions that facilitate energy efficiency in commercial buildings and are working under quality systems NS-ENISO9001 standards. They ensure that we receive our electricity from renewable sources. They focus on being environmentally conscious in energy procurement and provide guarantees of origin for example from hydropower or other renewables.
Fortum provides the electricity for Lydmar Hotel. Our contractor are the third largest producer of CO2-free electricity in Europe. The electricity the subcontractor provides is fossil-free and comes from sun, wind, water or nuclear power. Our partner Ellevio provides the power grid for Lydmar Hotel. The contractor offer and develop climate-smart energy solutions with the ambition of being a driving force towards an electrified, sustainable society. Our subcontractor are continuesly reducing direct and indirect emissions of greenhouse gases, using climate and environment-adapted materials. Stockholm Exergi supplies Lydmar Hotel with district heating and cooling. Our contractor are wanting to capture and store carbon dioxide and thus become one of the first companies in the world to go from reduced carbon dioxide emissions to negative emissions.
A large part of the cleaning detergents we use today are eco-friendly – with the exception of a few disinfectants. Where possible, we use highly concentrated detergents. We use green cleaning methods where applicable.
Visab I Scandinavien AB provides eco-friendly detergents. Some of the products obtains a Svanen certificate. This is the Nordic´s official environmental label, which in Sweden is managed by Miljömärkning Sverige AB on behalf of the government
Tingstad offers cleaning products that are eco-labeled, as well as cleaning agents produced with an extra environmental focus in mind. This makes it easier for Lydmar Hotel to be able to choose cleaning products that suits our environmentally friendly requirements.
Lydmar Hotel does not receive or possess its own gas but is connected to Stockholm’s city public gas containment.

We work with Food & Beverage suppliers that sources their products from mostly sustainable and ecofriendly growers & producers. The Food & Beverage suppliers has documented environmental policies.
Martin & Servera’s sustainability work is integrated into their entire business. It connects to their overall long-term strategy and is based on our focus areas – resource-efficient operations, a good employer, and a sustainable offer. The ongoing work is about requirements for suppliers, constant product range development and efficient use of resources. Spendrups works with various environmental policies, business code of ethics and have the environmental certificate ISO 14001, Food certificate FSSC 22000 Grängesberg & Hällefors and EU Organic production Grängesberg & Gotland.
Ekofisk are both MSC, ASC and KRAV certified. The contractor obtains certificates in quality, environment and food safety, which means that Lydmar Hotel can expect food-safe quality products with a great environmental mindset. A few other certificates Ekofisk possesses are ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO2200.
Lively Wines is one of the few SA8000 – Certified Wineries, they work with Fairtrade and Fair for Life Certified products and with organic products. They refer to CSR as Corporate Sustainable Development (CSD) as it is part of developing their business and not only a matter of responsibility and they are certified according to the Swedish Environmental Base.
Ward Wines collaborate with Systembolaget amongst others in what is called the Beverage Industry’s climate initiative with purpose of minimize its environmental impact and contribute to Sweden achieving the goals set by the Government in Agenda 2030. A few of their certificates are HVE, CCSW, Sustainable Wine, VIVA, CCOF, Certified organic, Organic, Demeter, Biodynamic Agriculture Association, BIOGRO.

AMET & Partners AB are supplier of linen, bed clothing and terrycloth. The cooperator are certified according to the Swedish Environmental Base. They strive to produce an eco series within our product range to the greatest extent possible.
La Bottega is the supplier of the Azzi products available at Lydmar Hotel, such as the amenities including the Lydmar scent. The contractor are striving towards reducing the amount of plastic used in the world by not introducing new plastic into the environment and promoting alternative materials. The packaging comes from either recycled materials and/or are completely recyclable. In addition, the contractor uses materials, such as ceramic, aluminum and glass.
The manufacturer of the beds, Vilax, aspire for the production to take place in a way that is as gentle on the environment as possible. The beds have a long lifespan and the contractor chooses carefully raw materials that are not hazardous to health or damage the environment. This means that the included materials must also not be dangerous to use in production or handling. All raw materials used for the beds mostly originates from Sweden. Vilax beds are 100% made in Sweden at the factory in Staffanstorp.
Tvättjänst uses a method’s that whether they wash in dry cleaners or water washers, the method is adapted to give the best possible washing results and the lowest possible environmental impact. The subcontractor never waste detergent or water and use only environmentally friendly chemicals. In 2023, Tvättjänst will open a new laundry service. The new establishment will reduce energy consumption and emissions, become fossil-free and Svanen certified.
Tvätt i Stockholm are continuously working toward minimalizing the climate impact. The contractor has, among other things, a complete alternative washing facility for dry-cleaned goods. The production facility is certified according to ISO14001, ISO 9001 and ISO 45001. Solvents are handled in a completely closed system and the residual products are collected and transported away for destruction.
During our major renovations in 2018 it was important to keep the soul and heart of the hotel as well as committing as much as possible to sustainable practices, hence we preserved 40% of the furniture and selected objects but placed them in a new context and environment. The complete electric work of the refurbishment has been carefully selected to maximize energy saving.
During 2022 several updates of the hotel were carried out. The beds were updated, as well as the dining room and lobby was renovated. We made active and considerate choices towards more environmentally friendly solutions. We decided to repaint and reupholster furniture instead of the purchase of new. The lighting system and concept was replaced with a more sustainable alternative.
We made the decision to update the existing beds from Vilax. The contractor exchanged the stuffing and reupholstered the beds. The already existing bed frames were retained. With this decision, Lydmar Hotel could maintain a more sustainable practice by avoiding buying completely new beds. The bed frames and spiral systems from Vilax holds a lifetime guarantee.
During spring 2023 Lydmar hotel will carry out a project where the wardrobes will be renovated and updated. The wardrobes are specially designed for Lydmar Hotel by Nude Ateljé. The creation contains a sustainable lighting system with LED setup. Manufacturing takes place in Latvia by a family owned carpentry.

We are proud sponsors to various organizations who help create a better environment for children, women, and people in vulnerable situations. CSR is an important part of Lydmar’s social responsibility where, since the opening of the hotel, we have promoted many young up-and-coming artists and photographers and invited the public to enjoy art exhibitions and our music scene all year round, free of charge. We also support important organizations that work to improve living conditions for vulnerable young people in society.
Giving people work with helping vulnerable families who has financial struggles, focusing on the children’s situation mainly by providing food supplies. Giving people is an aid organization that works to counteract economic vulnerability and the child poverty that exists in Sweden.
Aktiv Skola is a foundation that believes the future starts in the classroom and we believe in their important work for our children. Their action program makes sharp proposals to achieve, among other things, a higher level of knowledge and that all children should have the same opportunities regardless of where they come from.
We work with Just Arrived, a company that was born during the refugee crisis in 2015 and was founded based on the idea that all new skills in Sweden are valuable. Just Arrived helps new arrivals get out into working life and through this become integrated into the Swedish society, while at the same time strengthening diversity at our hotel.
Nattvandrarna is a non-profit organization that carry out night walks. The purpose and goal of night walking is that there should be adult role models, human support and social security among young people who move outside in the evening and at night. Adults are needed who care, listen and see the youth, who can create boundaries and provide support and help when needed. The presence of night walkers prevents crime such as vandalism, violence and drug abuse.